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Desde la Agencia Española ISBN se ha concedido el siguiente número ISBN para las comunicaciones técnicas: 

Recopilación de Publicaciones Científico Técnicas y de Difusión de Proyectos aceptadas en el Marco del Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente

(Los contenidos de las comunicaciones técnicas y de los póster son exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores)


Autor: Vicent Martínez Sanz
Formato: Comunicación técnica panel
Tipo: Difusión de Proyecto
Temática: Residuos
ODS relacionados: Producción y consumo responsables, , ,
Documentos asociados: Doc. Panel
Planta piloto de reciclado industrial de productos termoplásticos multimateriales que permitirá la recuperación selectiva de plásticos puros y fibras a partir de residuos mezclados sin degradación.

Innovation Action delivering an industrial recycling pilot plant for thermoplastic-based multi-materials allowing selective recovery of pure plastics and fibres from mixed wastes without downgrading.
Using patented CreaSolv® process to demonstrate shift to a circular economic model in multilayer packaging / flexible films and fibre-reinforced thermoplastic automotive composites - potential in many others segments.

Process upscaling, optimisation and digitalisation for industrial readiness.
Recovery of pure plastics and fibres from mixed wastes- direct substitution of virgin resources.
Processing and formulation of recovered materials into
valuable products – multiple packaging, composite / textile semi-finished and final demonstrators targeted.
Confirmation of impacts through techno-economic feasibility and environmental.

Representative industrial scrap and post-consumer
wastes extensively sampled, including all major classes
of flexible packaging thermoplastics (both single polymer and multi-materials), and automotive carbon and glass reinforced plastic composites.
MultiCycle pilot plant in operation with successful
demonstration of multiple hundred tonne campaign
processing of target materials.
Photonics-based packaging and composite waste
classication system integrated and validated in
industrial pilot (25kg/h) unit.
Recycled single polymer streams undergoing post-processing and evaluation in a variety of circular value chain applications.
Three new patent applications submitted protecting
novel elements of enabling technology